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The Smart way of Orderpicking
Pick and pack with less mistakes and efficient routes.

Order picking for WIX

Easily connect your WIX webshop using simple steps, you don’t need any heavy technical knowledge for this. After linking your account bij the API Key, Orderpicking will automatically import all orders and product data, including photo and stock.

Process orders for WIX

Process your WIX orders easily with the Order Picking App app. Easily collect the products through stock locations, check the products using a barcode scanner (not required) and then complete the order immediately.

All orders and associated history can always be found in the clear order overview. This way, customer service can easily see the status of an order and/or make adjustments.

Start the free 30 day trail now

FAQ WIX Orderpicking App

Step 1 Wix Download the Orderpicking App from the Wix app store and install it. Choose your trail period of 30 days. Step 2 MY ACCOUNT
  • Upload a company logo.
  • Also choose here whether you pick per order or per x number of products. Leave your Picking Type empty and the app will show all orders/products to pick.
Step 3 APP INSTALL Download the Orderpicking App on your phone. Go to the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store and search for Order Picking App Everything installed now. Only the connection between the app on the phone and the account is still necessary.
  • Go to the Settings tab in the Wix Orderpicking App. Here is the API Key (Barcode + numbers).
  • Open the app on the phone and press Scan API key. The phone’s camera opens.
  • Scan the barcode and save it in the App. If all goes well, everything is now connected!

When you are order picking, you are already walking through the warehouse or the store. This is the perfect time to occasionally check the stock of a product. With the Inventory add-on we offer the option to scan the barcode or enter the sku/barcode (searching by product title is also possible for Woocommerce customers). We then retrieve the current stock of a product and this can be adjusted if necessary.

Inventory differences can be resolved during order picking. For example, consider products on a roll that are cut off during collection or to book new stock during a delivery.


Every shop has it’s own way of collecting orders. Some want to pick per order and others have multiple totes on a trolley. This is why we have the setting of the Order amount to pick at once.


When picking a single order you will start with the complete order list of open orders in the app. Here you can choose the order to pick.

Single order picking

Batch picking

When selecting something other than single order we change the layout in the app a bit. If you have the option of 5 orders at once, we combine 5 orders in 1 picking-run. Each order will get a letter starting from A and a number (the batchnumber). These numbers will stick to the order true the whole process.

When batchpicking we will combine the orders so you will only stop at a product once (for multiple orders).

Batch picking orders

Batchpicking productscreen


You can base the picking route on your product categories but also on a meta field “Locatie” in Shopify or Wix. You can then enter a value for each product that will be sorted alphabetically. For example A-1, A, 2 etc.