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To use the custom API, a json feed is required with all the fields below. This feed should only contain open picking orders that have not yet been completed. See the table below to see which fields must contain a minimum value and which may be empty.

Depending on your platform, you can refresh this feed every X amount of time so that the latest orders also arrive in Order Picking App.

ParameterDescriptionRequiredNot Empty
idOrder IDXX
order_statusStatus of the orderX
order_dateDate: Y-m-dXX
last_nameLast name of the customerX
shipping_methodName of the shipping methodX
order_totalTotal amount/price of the orderXX
products.product_idProduct ID of main productXX
products.variation_idVariation ID if existX
products.image_urlThumbnail image url https://domain.nl/image.pngX
products.priceProduct priceXX
products.skuProduct SKUXX
products.nameProduct/Variation nameXX
products.descriptionProduct short descriptionX
products.quantityOrder product amountXX
products.stock_quantityCurrent stock amount of this productX
products.categoriesComma separated category name(s) X

View sample feed

1. Realization of JSON feed via the stated requirements
2. Registration on Order Picking App with choice of Custom/API
3. Enter the feed URL
4. Set desired settings
5. Start picking

Any questions, mail us at support@orderpickingapp.nl